Thursday, December 8, 2011

Post-op Visit # 2 12/6/11


So I went to my second post-op on Tuesday to have my ONE stitch removed. I was hoping to be allowed to get my foot wet afterwards, but I was told I need to wait one more week. I swear my podiatrist is extremely conservative/old school! I asked him if there was something wrong, and he said "Not at all. You have very little swelling and no bruising. Things look right on track." :( I'm sad I have another week to go to get it wet....

The visit was miserable. He bent my big toe back a lot! And it hurt... a lot!!! I started to sweat and got very, very dizzy, so I said, "I think I'm going to faint" and he put the chair back and a minute later I felt back to normal, but the visit sucked entirely! I am super disappointed. He even said that even though I can walk, I shouldn't be walking. :(

I only took one photo, and it looks identical to the one I took without my bandages on from my first post-op last week, so I don't see a point in putting it up. Like I said, totally disappointing visit, especially since I feel so much better now and can walk and everything....

Anyway, I'll do a new post next week, and I'm PRAYING he says, "Okay, you can get it wet" next week. !!! I did ask about using scar cream, and he said any lotion is fine - cocoa butter, shea butter, or vitamin E oil. I was thinking neosporin or maderma..... Vitamin E oil sounds good to me, though.

'tis all!



  1. Hi, Michelle - Sorry to hear about your dissapointing and somewhat painful visit last week. Hopefully all will be better this week.

    I was wondering if they put those little tape strips on you? Maybe not with one stitch. I had like 4-5 stitches on each foot. After they took those out, they put those little strips across the incisions. I was able to shower the very next day and the little strips came off within the week.

    My incisions are really starting to do well - especially the one on my right foot. My left foot still has more swelling, so it isn't healing as fast. I've been putting petroleum jelly on them every night before bed. In the morning after my shower I use a shea butter type lotion and rub that on my feet/incisions. I still have a little scabbing left, so I am waiting until all the scabs are gone before I start using the vitamin E. Just want to make sure they are completely healed up first. I heard some people can have reactions to vitamin E applied topically - so we'll see.

    Good luch this week. Hope you get to have wet feet. I am suppose to get to put on tennis shoes after my doctor appointment Wednesday. My surgery was Nov. 8 and I am on the home stretch now! :)

  2. Hi Deb!

    Yes, I had those little strips. My boyfriend says they're butterflies, but I'm not sure if that's what they're really called. I've had them since surgery, though. I had mostly absorbable stitches, so the strips help keep the incisions together. I'm allowed to get my foot wet (but no scrubbing) tomorrow - three weeks post surgery. He removed all of the strips today, though, and placed only two new ones on the incision near my big toe, as well as some liquid-like glue (I'm assuming to keep the incision from opening).

    Go Home Stretch! :)


    P.S. I'll post photos tomorrow.
